Lapsed Certificate Requirements:
The Prevention Certification Board of New Hampshire approved the following requirements for reinstatement of certification for individuals whose Prevention Specialist Certification (CPS) lapsed:
· 20 CEUs per year since last certification/recertification across the 6 domains
· A minimum of 6 of the total CEUs must be in Prevention Ethics related
· No test requirement
· Narrative about the domains – to be judged using the same rubric as the narrative in initial application
· One letter of recommendation- (recommendation not required to be from a CPS, but encouraged)
· Fees for Reinstatement of Lapsed Certificate:
Recertification: $100
Reinstatement: $150
Total Reinstatement Fee: $250
“Lapsed” is defined as an existing certification that was not renewed within the 6 month grace period after the expiration date on the certificate.